How to draw your child or family member back to the church.
This week, I began reading a book titled “Return-How to Draw Your Child Back to the Church” by Brandon Vogt and I have decided to do a series of bulletin articles based on topics in his book. In a chapter titled “Pray, Fast and Sacrifice” the author talked about how Saint Monica is a great example of a saint whose son Augustine was away from the church and for years she prayed daily for his conversion. If you have a child or other family member(s) who you wish would return to practicing their faith, here is a prayer that Brandon has on page 52 of the book:
“St. Monica, I need your prayers. You know exactly how I’m feeling because you once felt it yourself. I’m hurting, hopeless, and near despair. I desperately want my child to return to Christ and his Church, but I can’t do it alone. I need God’s help, and I need your help. Please join me in begging the Lord’s powerful grace to flow into my child’s life. Ask the Lord Jesus to soften his heart, prepare a path for his conversion, and activate the Holy Spirit in his life. Amen.”
Don’t give up on them, keep praying daily, God wants us to ask for His help for all our needs.
God bless you all and your families.
Father Bob