Calling All Parishioners – Volunteers are Needed!!!
We need volunteers who want to serve in our ministries as ushers, greeters, choir members,
extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, sacristans, altar servers, Council of Catholic Women and St. Vincent de Paul.
We need volunteers for all of these ministries in preparation for when we can truly get back to normal.
Right now that is still uncertain, but when it happens we want to be ready.
During the pandemic we have lost some of our ministers in different areas and we need to find more.
We will have an initial meeting on Thursday September 16 at 9 AM in the Social Hall, please plan to join us.
We will provide coffee and donuts. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please speak to Father Bob or Father Antony after mass or call the office.
Thank you for considering serving here at your parish.