September 8, 2022 5:42 pm

Thank You

On behalf of Fr. Antony and myself, I want to say thank you to all who helped setup, cleanup, prepared food, and in any other way were part of making the Calle de San Marco Fiesta a successful event and time for fellowship. It was great to see such a great turnout too. This was the first time for this event and I plan to make it an annual event.
Our next big event will be the Parish Picnic on Saturday November 5. That will also be free to participants. Please watch the bulletins for more information. In order to get a headcount for meals we will ask you to fill out a form in a future bulletin, with your name and how many from your family will be attending. We will have food catered from Moonswiners again this year. If you would like to donate to support this event, please put a separate plain envelope labeled PICNIC and drop it in the collection basket on Sundays. Corporate or business contributions are also appreciated. Thank you for your support.
After that, on December 16, we will have our Elvis impersonator here as part of the charity dinner, performing Elvis Christmas and Gospel music. We will sell tickets for this starting after Thanksgiving. More information will be in future bulletins. In addition we also encourage donations to help support this event, but they will be collected as 2nd collections for the Parish Activities Fund on October 16. Please consider giving more than usual on that date, to help cover the costs for the dinner and entertainment.
Finally, I want to thank all of you for your financial support, especially during these difficult times where everything costs more. We may be a small parish, but our generous parishioners help us to pay the expenses related to our parish ministries.
With love,

Father Bob
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