Greetings to my St. Mark family,
My name is Barb Bzura and I am a Masters prepared registered nurse.
Many may remember me from pre-COVID days. I began a nursing ministry at St. Marks a couple of years back where I was able to present programs on various health topics and wrote about them in your church bulletin. I did blood pressure screenings and worked on a grief series with you.
I am excited to announce that I am back to resume my ministry. I would like to revisit some of the topics presented before and bring new ideas to you. I am here for you. Remember that our bodies are considered temples of our Lord, so it is so important that we strive to keep healthy in body, mind, and soul.
1 Corinthians 16 “Don’t you know that
you yourselves are God’s temple and that
God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?”
Alzheimer’s is a serious condition and there is much confusion and many questions about brain health. We have a representative from the Alzheimer Association coming to our parish who will be sharing an hour with us on October 8 (English) and October 9 (Spanish).
Please read the flyers on pages 5-6 of the bulletin and plan on participating so we can embrace our guest speaker and give her a warm St. Mark welcome.
Please RSVP by calling the Parish
Office at (772) 461-8150.
I am looking forward to meeting you there!