Technology class will begin in the Social Hall on Mondays from 9-10:30 AM starting on Monday, August 21.
Everyone is welcome.
The purpose of the first meeting will be to ask participants what they would like to learn to do using their smartphone, iPad, or other tablets or computer. “Everything” will not be an answer. Please think of three things you would like to learn for each device and bring that list with you on August 28. This will help me to decide what topics we will cover in the sessions to follow.
• On August 28 we will start with the things you asked to learn on a smartphone. Be sure to charge your phone at home and bring it with you for the class.
• On September 11 (no class on September 4 due to the Labor Day Holiday) we will have session 2 on smartphones.
• On September 18 we will discuss things you asked to learn about your iPad or other tablets. Be sure to charge them before you come to class so you can use them in class.
• On September 25 we will discuss the things you asked to learn on computers. If you have a laptop, charge it and bring it to class.
• On October 2 we will continue with classes based on things you may still not be clear on from previous sessions.
Everyone that wants to attend is invited to attend.