Christmas and New Year’s Schedule
Please see the Bulletin for December 25-26 for our Office and Mass Schedules
St Mark’s Christmas Concert – December 18
On Saturday, December 18 at 3:00PM get in the Christmas spirit with music prepared byour Parish children. We hope to see you there! Come and sing along with the children!
Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration December 12
On Sunday, December 12 join us in celebrating our Lady of Guadalupe from 5:00-7:00AMwith live Mariachi and Mass en español, more information in the bulletin
Holy Day Masses-Immaculate Conception -December 7 – 8
Immaculate Conception Feast Day:On Tuesday, 12/7 Vigil Mass will be celebrated at 6PM and on Wednesday, 12/8 Mass timesare 8AM and 12PM.
All Saints and All Souls Day November 1 and 2, 2021
The Office will be closed all day on Monday 11/1 for All Saints Day. It is not a holy day of obligation in 2021 because it falls on Monday, so…Read More
Why is the Cry Room not Open?
I have been asked this question several times lately and I decided to post the answer to our website and Social Media. Since the Pandemic, we have used the room…Read More
Prayer to Avert Hurricanes
Below is the Diocesan prayer to avert hurricanes. With a tropical storm nearby and possibly another right behind it, let us pray this daily during hurricane season May God bless…Read More
Welcome to Father Antony Lopez
This is Father Antony’s first weekend with us as our new Parochial Vicar. Please welcome him and say hello before or after mass. Father has a lot of experience as…Read More
Council of Catholic Women will be starting again
If you are interested in being part of the restart of the Council of Catholic Women at St. Mark, please tell Father Bob after mass or call the office to…Read More