Welcome to St. Mark the Evangelist Parish Religious Education Page

New families!

 Do you have children that need sacraments and are in 3rd grade or higher?  

The Order of Christian Initiation of Children (OCIC) is a religious education two-year program that prepares children for the sacraments of the Catholic Church:  

· OCIC First Communion is for children ages 8–13 (grades 3 to 8th) who are unbaptized or baptized in the Catholic Church and need first communion.  

· OCIC HS: is for teenagers ages 14–17 (grades 9th-11th) who need one or all sacraments (baptism, first communion, confirmation).  

Due to the limited space and staff, I am opening up pre-registration for Confirmation and OCIC classes ONLY. The pre-registration list will help me ensure that I can accommodate new students in the upcoming 2025-2026 school year. Without this information, we cannot accommodate new students next fall. Once the pre-registration closes in January, a decision on schedules and official registration in February will be finalized.  Please note that if you do not pre-register, you cannot do so in the spring. This is only for new families or students. Currently enrolled children will not need to complete the form and are already secured a seat.

Confirmation is for 8th-grade students only!

If your child(ren) requires OCIC, please complete the pre-registration form Pre-registration for 2025-2027 OCIC Classes by January 19, 2025