April 11, 2020 3:52 pm

Blessed Easter to you all,

 By the time you see the bulletin for Easter, Holy Week may have already passed. A Holy Week like none other for most of us. One in which there was more anxiety and worry than usual. One in which we were not able to worship together and experience the Triduum together. One in which some of us or our loved ones are suffering, due to the effects of the Corona Virus. One in which we are working from home or in which we are unemployed or we are retired and cannot get out of the house.

 Whatever the circumstances may be, we are all suffering in some way at this time. I pray that suffering does not result in your turning away from God. Yes, God allowed this to happen, but he did not cause it.

 This is the time for us all to get on our knees and pray for deliverance from this pandemic and its physical, mental and spiritual effects on each of us.

 This is the time for us to focus on being rather than doing. We may wonder why can’t I do this or that or something else? Well, we know the answer to that, we cannot do what we want, in order to stay safe and to stay well.

 So how do I change my focus to being instead? To being with my family, to being quiet and contemplating the many gifts that God has given us?

 Holy Week reminds us of the greatest story ever told—the Passion, Death and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Also the story of the greatest gift that God gave to humanity, that of salvation and eternal life. We give thanks to the Lord today and forever for this awesome gift.

 Brothers and sisters, though we are apart at this time, we are together in spiritual communion and look forward to being with each other again very soon.

 Being home 24/7 may not be what we want to be doing, so let’s concentrate on being blessed by God during this Easter Season and pray that God will guide and protect us and keep us safe and well.

 With love,

Father Bob and Father Edwin