I was rereading a 1983 document from the US Bishops today entitled “The Challenge of Peace: God’s promise and Our Response” and I found this quote on peace that I would like to share today:
“Because we have been gifted with God’s peace in the risen Christ, we are called to our own peace and to the making of peace in our world. As disciples and as children of God, it is our task to seek for ways in which to make the forgiveness, justice and mercy and love of God visible in a world where violence and enmity are too often the norm. When we listen to God’s word, we hear again and always the call to repentance and to belief: to repentance because although we are redeemed we continue to need redemption; and to belief, because although the reign of God is near, it is still seeking its fullness.” Paragraph 55.
May God’s peace sweep over our nation during this time when violence and enmity are evident in the way we talk to and about others and may we turn towards loving all of our neighbors instead.
God bless you and God bless the USA
Father Bob Pope