Dear Parishioners,
Update on changes that will occur after July 1:
We had our meeting of the Pastoral Council on Tuesday April 27 and these are the decisions that have been made:
1. The weekend mass schedule will remain as is and I will attempt to get coverage for some of the masses when possible. We do not have a great number of retired priests in the area, but we will contact the ones that we know to assist. Future adjustments to the weekend schedule may be necessary, and if they are, we will communicate that information ASAP.
2. The weekday mass schedule will change as follows to allow for time off for me.
Monday and Tuesday and Saturday – no daily mass
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday – daily mass at 8 AM
3. Since the hospital call duty and sick call duty is solely mine for all seven days, please be aware of the following. There will be days when I am not at the rectory and unavailable to respond to calls immediately. These will be Sunday evening and all day Monday (my day off). If you have a loved one who needs last rites, please try to call in advance if possible, rather than waiting to the last minute.
4. Communion for the homebound will be handled by our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Please call the office during business hours to arrange for these calls.
I will do the best I can to continue serving St. Mark as long as I am assigned here as Pastor. Thank you for your understanding of the situation and thank you for your support and your prayers.
Father Bob
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