At St. Mark, we strive to bring the word of God to everyone, especially to those who are
not able to physically participate in the Holy Mass. Every first and second Wednesday of the
month, the priests and the music ministry visit Lake Forest Park and Lynmoore at Lawnwood respectively to celebrate Mass and bring the word of God to the residents. This is a wonderful opportunity to practice the Corporal Works of Mercy that the Holy Church teaches us. Here is a
friendly reminder of such actions:
1.Feed the Hungry
2.Give drink to the Thirsty
3.Shelter the homeless
4.Visit the sick
5.Visit the prisoners
6.Bury the dead
7.Give alms to the poor
In this ministry, more than one element is performed. By visiting the sick, we as a family
are also fulfilling the thirst and hunger that the residents have for someone to talk to and socialize
with. Moreover, by receiving the body of Christ they receive the peace and love of the Lord. If
you would like to participate in this ministry or in any other ministry of the Church, please call
the office. There are always ways to reach out to others and share our faith.
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