St Vincent de Paul Pray For Us!
In 1617, Vincent began serving poor families in Paris, bringing them food and comfort. He organized wealthy women of Paris as the Confraternities of Charity to assist with this work, collect funds for missionary projects, found hospitals, and gather relief funds to assist victims of war and ransom 1,200 galley slaves from North Africa.
This participation of women would eventually result in, with the help of Louise de Marillac, the founding of the lay-led Ladies of Charity and the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul (French: Filles de la Charité), a society of apostolic life for women.
The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, National Council of the United States Society of St. Vincent de Paul a charitable organization dedicated to the service of the poor, was established in 1833 by French university students, led by Frédéric Ozanam. The society is today present in 153 countries.
For more than 400 years, members of the Vincentian Family have dedicated themselves to serving Christ in the person of His poor, and to loving God, in Vincent’s words, “with the strength of our arms and the sweat of our brows.”
-Wikipedia and St. Vincent de Paul USA
St. Vincent De Paul pray for us!