Calling Dedicated Adorers of the Blessed
Sacrament for 1st Friday on March 4
When we have adoration for an extended time like we do on first Fridays from 8:30
to Noon, we must have at least two or more
people in the church during that time. In the
past this has not happened, so in order for us to
be able to continue, we must have dedicated
adorers who agree to stay at church for these
times. If you can commit for March 4, please
call the office and give your name and phone
number and the time you want to sign up for.
The times will be as follows:
8:30AM to 9:00AM
9:00AM to 9:30AM
9:30AM to 10:00AM
10:00AM to 10:30AM
10:30AM to 11:00AM
11:00AM to 11:30AM
11:30AM to 12:00PM
If we are not able to consistently have dedicated adorers in the church, we will have no
choice but to cancel first Fridays in the future.
We pray that will not be necessary.