All Saints Day – November 1st
All Saints Day is a holy day of obligation this year.
On Wednesday, November 1st Mass will be celebrated at 8:00 AM.
The vigil Mass is on Tuesday, October 31 at 7:00 PM bilingual.
The solemnity demonstrates that a “blessed”, “beautiful”, “successful”, “holy” life
… is possible. It was possible yesterday and it is possible today – for everyone. It is possible for us too. We can become those “saints next door” of whom Pope Francis speaks about – that is, men and women who are reconciled with themselves, with others and with God, who are able to shine the light of God’s merciful Love within the ebb and flow of everyday life. In their families, at work, during their free time…they know how to live like Jesus, trusting that the “Eight Paths” are secure. Through our Baptism, we are already All Saints, but we don’t know it! Too often we are not even aware of this possibility that Baptism has placed in our hands: and yet it is so – because this is the way Jesus wants it!
A story
While visiting a church in Turin, a school child asked his teacher about some of the stained glass windows. “They are pictures of some of the saints”, the teacher responded. “They had a special and strong friendship with Jesus”. A few days later, on the Feast of All Saints, a priest asked the children if they knew how to explain who the saints were and what types of things they had done. The boy who had asked the question rose his hands and confidently replied: “The saints are people who let the Light pass through them”.