Calendar of Events
Knights of Columbus: Our Knights of Columbus Council 3416 is meeting on the first Monday of every month. The meetings will start with the rosary at 6:30 PM with the meeting from 7 PM to 8 PM in the Social Hall.
Grupo de Oracion: Los jueves a las 6:30PM en el salon parroquial únase a nuestro grupo de Oración Immaculado Corazon de Maria.
Grief Support Group: A bereavement group for anyone experiencing a loss of any kind. Please observe the bulletin for the next meeting. All are welcome. Questions? Call Nurse Barb at 772-359-8369.
St. Mark Women’s Club: Attention ladies of Saint Mark, we hold the meetings on the first Thursday of every month in the Social Hall. Meetings will resume in August.
Bible Study: There will be no bible study classes during the months of June and July. They will resume in August, observe future bulletins for more information.