Fifty-two weeks a year women religious stand with the poor and immigrants, teach children, fight injustice, heal the sick, share spirituality, empower women, defend the planet, promote peace, create community, offer hope…
But for one week, March 8-14, we shine the spotlight on women religious and encourage a wide range of campaigns and events that invite all who follow Jesus to
- expand and support their gospel witness
- grow the service networks they have seeded
- share their spirituality, charisms, and community
- encourage young women to consider a vocation to religious life
- support their pastoral, teaching and prophetic works
- and focus on the new world they call into being.
Catholic Sisters Week
Since the fall of 2019, Catholic Sisters Week (formerly National Catholic Sisters Week) is under the direction of Communicators for Women Religious (CWR). As we continue to develop new resources and programming ideas, you will notice both continuity and change, beginning with the name: CWR renamed the initiative “Catholic Sisters Week,” signaling a desire to raise awareness of women religious not just in the United States but also internationally.
Our growing web home, catholicsistersweek.org, will provide space for listing your events, gatherings, campaigns, and activities. This is also where you’ll come to find an event you want to attend, to make a local connection, sign on to an online event, or find ideas for your own events. Information and tools for Catholic Sisters Week 2023 can also be found on this website, with even more landing on the site in the coming weeks.
About Communicators for Women Religious
Communicators for Women Religious is a professional organization of communicators within religious congregations of women. CWR members promote an understanding of women religious, enhance their image and advance their mission. Catholic Sisters Week and the efforts and events associated with it dovetail seamlessly with the overall mission of CWR.