Why have we changed the collection process again?
At our meeting of the Finance committee, we discussed the process and it was suggested that we should have baskets passed by ushers at all the masses. I chose the new method because we do not have enough ushers to walk up and down the aisle and use the baskets with poles, except at the 11:30 Spanish mass.
The new process will be as follows. Baskets will be placed on the first row of each row of pews in each section. Whoever sits in the row with the basket will need to drop their offering into the basket and then pass the basket on to others in the row. The end person will pass the basket to the person behind them in the next row. When the basket reaches the last row, it will be handed to an usher so they can put the money from the basket into the bigger basket in the back by the gifts. The larger basket will be taken up to the altar with the gifts of unconsecrated hosts, water, and wine.
We will only pass the baskets once, so be sure to put all donations in the basket as it passes you. If you want to separate the 1st and 2nd collections, please use envelopes, otherwise all amounts without envelopes we go to the 1st collection. If you need envelopes, please contact the office Monday to Friday. This change will help our parishioners who have physical imitations and will make it less confusing for our visitors.
Thank you for all of your contributions to support St. Mark.
Father Bob Pope