Get your flu shot!
1Corinthians 16:13. Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.
It’s that time of year; time to get your seasonal flu shot! Flu vaccines can prevent you from getting influenza. Each year the flu vaccine prevents thousands of hospitalizations. Flu vaccines can be given by injection or nasally. Generally, anyone 6 months or older should get vaccinated. Make sure to check with your doctor to determine which type of flu vaccine you should receive and to discuss any health conditions or allergies you have.
While you are being vaccinated, let us not forget the 5 basic vaccines recommended for adults 50 and older. This is just a reminder. Please discuss this with your doctor.
• COVID-19 – All adults should get primary vaccinations and eligible boosters.
• Pneumococcal – All adults 65 and older and under 65 with certain health conditions. Consult your doctor.
• Tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough (Tdap, Td) – Everyone should receive one Tdap in their lifetime and then a Td booster (tetanus) every 10 years. Discuss with your doctor especially if you have a current deep and dirty wound.
• Zoster (shingles) – Anyone 50 and older should receive the Shingrix 2-dose series.
There are many more vaccines to consider. Please go to or to for full schedules. Remember, even seniors need vaccinations in order to protect themselves and those around them!!!!
Nurse Barb