Good Friday Devotion
Wishing you and your families a blessed Easter Season – remember that the Easter season is celebrated until Pentecost Sunday, which is June 5 this year. The message below was worth sharing, so I have included it.
We will have the Liturgy of Good Friday today at 3 PM, please come if you are able.
Tomorrow night we will have the Easter Vigil mass starting at 7:30 PM, we invite you to this beautiful liturgy as well.
Then on Easter Sunday our masses are the usual times at 8:30 and 10:30 in English and 12:30 in Spanish. Please come and bring a friend or friends so they can see how great our community is.
Confessions will resume on Saturday April 23 from 3 to 3:30, in the church. We will not have confessions this week.
If you need us, Father Antony and I are here and we can visit you at home to bring you communion or Anointing of the Sick. We are just an email or a phone call away.
Father Bob Pope