Grandparents’ Faith Cafe – September 13th
The CGA is delighted to announce Vivek da Silva as guest speaker for September. He will speak on the theme of the Season of Creation. Vivek is an Assistant Professor in Religious Education in Dublin City University. From 2016 to 2021 he worked with Veritas as a catechetical writer and a producer of digital audio-visual resources for Religious Education programs in primary and post-primary schools. He is Co-chair of the Irish Bishops’ Council for Catechetics Working Group on Laudato Si’. He spent 25 years working in different parts of India and Africa in the areas of education, religious formation, human development, spirituality and leadership.
I am very much looking forward to welcoming Vivek da Silva to our Faith Café. As we will be gathering in the midst of the Season of Creation we felt it would be timely to reflect on the theology of the Season and to unpack some of Pope Francis’ wonderful encyclical letter Laudato Si’.
Please come along on 13 September and invite someone who has not attended before to come along too.