Las Posadas – December 19th
Our posada this year will be on Tuesday, December 19 at 6:00 PM with the families of our religious education program. Following the Posada, we will celebrate a bilingual holy mass in the Church. Afterwards we will have a gathering in the parish hall with piñatas for the children and hot drinks. Everyone is invited to participate. If you would like to contribute, please register or contact the office.
What is Las Posadas?
Las Posadas commemorate Mary and Joseph’s journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem, where they sought shelter for the birth of Jesus. The Spanish word “posada” means “inn.” The nine-day novena of Las Posadas begins on Dec. 16 and involves the recitation of the rosary followed by a procession, Mass, and a celebration with a piñata on the nights leading up to Christmas.
The procession, or “caminata,” involves a reenactment of Mary and Joseph’s search for an inn. People hold lit candles and sing hymns. The group either carries figurines of Mary and Joseph or has kids dressed up as them.
Neighbors coordinate so that the group will attempt to visit several homes, but be turned away, as there was no room at the inn for the Holy Family. After the procession, there is a Mass and, finally, a celebration in which blindfolded children attempt to break open the piñata full of candy.