Lent & Holy Week Mass Schedule
Come and celebrate with us the season of Lent, Holy Week, and Easter. Our Lenten Masses are held regularly.
Saturdays – Vigil Mass 4PM (English)
Sundays – 8:30AM (English), 10:30AM (English), & 12:3oPM (Spanish)
Holy Week Services
April 6th – Holy Thursday 5:30PM (Bilingual) (No Morning Mass)
April 7th – Good Friday/Adoration of the Cross 3PM (English) (No Morning Mass)
April 8th – Saturday Easter Vigil Mass 7:30PM (Bilingual) (N0 Morning Mass)
April 9th – Easter Sunday Masses 8:30AM (English), 10:30AM (English), 12:30PM (Spanish)
Daily Adoration of the Holy Sacrament 7AM- 7:45AM
Daily Mass 8AM & 530PM (UNTIL March 31st) Wednesdays 5:30PM (Spanish)
Stations of the Cross: Fridays during Lent 4:30PM (English) & 7PM (Spanish)
(Station are available in the courtyard at any time.)