Why Join a Ministry at St. Mark?
You may have asked this question before, but I would ask you to consider asking yourself this question again. Joining a ministry can be very rewarding because in doing so you can make new friends, meet your fellow parishioners, serve our community and the Lord, and get involved in the life of St. Mark. Ministries help each of us to put our love for our neighbors into action. Ministries help us exercise the unique gifts that God has given us. Ministries help us to truly become part of St. Mark. What are the ministries that we have? Ushers, altar servers, sacristans, singers, lectors, cantors, Eucharistic ministers, Women’s Club, Grandparents Association, bereavement, washing altar cloths, and grief group, just to name a few. So, if you are interested in serving, please contact the office and let us know. We will welcome you with open arms.