The Church Will Be Open Daily Until 9 PM
and an Additional Daily Mass Time Is Being Added
In the past few years we have been locking the church and the shrine at noon. Effective immediately, we will start leaving the church open until 9 PM daily and for security reasons we will ask that you enter the church through the Northwest doors which are to the right of the altar when facing the tabernacle. These doors are visible from the office and the rectory and are the ones we have left open until noon in the past. All other doors will be locked after daily mass.
We are doing this to allow our parishioners to come to the church to pray, to sit before the tabernacle where the body of Christ is reserved, and to spend time in our beautiful church outside of normal mass times, with limited distractions.
Also, starting Monday, January 31 we will be adding a daily mass at 5:30 PM on Monday through Friday. The masses will be in English, except on Wednesday the mass at 5:30 PM will be in Spanish. If you want to lector at these 5:30 PM masses, please contact Jan Bals and let her know (she only schedules the English Masses). Initially if we do not have lectors, the priest will read all of the readings.
I hope you will be glad to hear about these changes.
God Bless you,
Father Bob and Father Antony