October 29th: Save the Date!
Our annual picnic will be on Sunday, October 29 starting at 12:30 PM (after the 11:30 Spanish mass). We will need volunteers to assist with Saturday morning setup and Sunday afternoon cleanup. Also, we would appreciate donations from parishioners and businesses to help cover the costs.
We will not be catering the food this year in an effort to reduce the cost. The Knights of Columbus will be in charge of cooking hamburgers and hotdogs and members of our Spanish community will be preparing Tacos and Tamales. There will be sides, desserts, and drinks available. Beer will be available for a free will donation.
Since Halloween is the next week after the picnic, we will be organizing a “Trunk or Treat” during the picnic. Our Religious Ed staff and volunteers will help organize this part this year. The picnic is a tradition for our parish, and we invite all to plan on coming and volunteering if you are able.
In 2024, we are considering moving this event to February so that the weather and temperature will be better. Stay tuned for more updates on this.