Paving Project Appeal for Donations
I am sure you have noticed that our entrances and all the paved surfaces are in need of repair and resurfacing along with new striping. Many of the parking stops are broken as well. We
have received and accepted a proposal and the work will be commencing soon. The cost of the
project is $190,103. We are asking all of our parishioners to donate toward the cost of this project
in whatever amount you are able to afford. You can donate online using online giving if you wish
to use a debit or credit card, or you can drop your donation into the collection baskets using one
of the envelopes we have provided on the table in the back of the church. The envelopes are
marked Paving Project Donation. Thank you for your continued support and for your consideration of donating to this project.
Collected to date: $1,350
Remaining Goal: $188,753
Father Bob