Prayer for Vocations
O Jesus Christ Our Savior, you are the master of vocations. You proclaimed to us that
“the harvest is abundant, but the laborers are few.” With hearts full of gratitude, we accept your
invitation to follow you. May you send us as shepherds from your heart to journey with your
flock, the people of God.
Inspire more men and women to come with tenderness to tend your flock with charity and compassion.
As salt of the earth and light of the world, let all your devoted servants bring joy to the
marginalized, hope to the forlorn and peace to the troubled. May we be the fragrance of your
nearness, attracting the whole world to your divine presence.
Mary, Our Mother, you were ever ready to follow God’s will. Pray for all who are discerning a vocation, that they may seek it bravely and live it faithfully. Amen.
-Charles Ogony