Bishop Barbarito writes in his Oct. 2nd letter saying, “On this Respect Life Sunday, October 2, at the beginning of the annual Respect Life Program entitled, Called to Serve Moms in Need, we have much to be grateful for regarding the positive advances in the acknowledgment of respect for life within our culture and nation.
There is a need to continue, in a Christian and positive manner, to deal with the harsh opposition which has arisen against the recent Supreme Court decision. We must do all we can, through proper legal persuasion and prayer, to curtail state legislation permitting abortion. In keeping with this year’s emphasis, Called to Serve Moms in Need, we need to continue to provide assistance and to walk with women who have found themselves in a difficult situation through a pregnancy, as well as after the birth of their child.
In the Diocese of Palm Beach, our Catholic Charities outreach excels in this mission as it continues to expand these services which we fully support.
Abortion is a foundational issue in regard to respect for life. However, it is not the only issue and does not in any manner lessen the emphasis that must be made regarding the respect for life on behalf of the person on death row, the elderly, the sick, the immigrant, and any person whose right to life and well-being are undermined in our culture today.”
He goes on to say, “I wish to thank all of you, the faithful men and women of our Diocese, who are witnesses to life and continue to pray for and support laws and programs that respect life.”
Please pray for those in need.