Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Some of you may be wondering if it is safe to come to mass at St. Mark. The answer is yes. Even though masks are no longer required and the pews are no longer marked off (social distancing is no longer required), it is safe to attend mass. We sanitize the pews after each mass, we have air scrubbers on all of the air conditioners, and we have hand sanitizers at every door. Some of our parishioners still wear masks during mass, but that is their personal choice. Jesus is waiting to see you at mass as you receive his precious body and we are waiting to see you too. Father Edwin has moved to Holy Name of Jesus in West Palm Beach and Father Antony Lopez is now serving here at St. Mark as of July 1st. We invite you to come and meet Father Antony. If you are not able to come, we fully understand. If you need one of us to come visit you at home and bring Jesus to you, please let us know by either calling the office or replying to this email.
May the Lord bless you and keep you well and safe this summer.