Society of Saint Vincent de Paul
At the end of the Good Samaritan parable Our Lord said, “Then go and do the same.
” Hundreds of years later St. Vincent de Paul said, “We cannot better assure our eternal happiness than D living and dying in the service to the poor.” And ever since the founding of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in 1833, Vincentians have been united to grow spiritually by serving the poor.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is present throughout the world to serve the poor, those who feel unloved, unwanted, uncared for, and those who find it difficult to believe in His love because of their circumstances. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) is the largest lay organization in the Roman Catholic Church. In 2002, the local SVDP conference of St. Anastasia/St. Mark began.
The local SVDP office and food pantry is in the west end of the Notre Dame Catholic Mission and is manned by volunteers who answer phone calls, greet desperate clients at the door, and make personal home visits. It is our personalized involvement that makes the work of the Society unique. We see Jesus in the eyes of the poor. We could use your help.
Funding comes from the two parishes and from private donors for whom we are prayerfully grateful. All funding goes directly to the underprivileged and is applied directly in our community.
There are no paid positions.
Vincentians offer warmth and understanding, maintaining dignity for all. The homeless, the single moms, the abandoned elderly, the hungry children, the frightened, and the lost appear at our door. A bicycle can help get to a job. Paying for a car repair can turn a life around. Paying rent for a mother out of work with a sick child can bring hope. Helping with expensive medications can rescue a diabetic. The young girl who made a poor choice and is living on the street with her baby wants to go home to her family in Nebraska…a bus ticket provides safe travel. Tents and mats for the homeless, on and on. Vincentians greet the poor in all sorts of physical and spiritual pain.
Please join us in serving our Lord by serving the poor.
Society of Saint Vincent de Paul
St. Anastasia/St. Mark Conference President
Karen Cashen
Office/Food Pantry: Notre Dame Mission, 217
U.S. Highway 1 North Telephone: 772-465-4551
Email: fpsvdp@gmail.com
Mail: c/o St. Mark the Evangelist, 1924 Zephyr.
Ave., Fort Pierce, FL 34982