Special & Second Collections
December 2, 2023
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ:
The annual collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious is next weekend, December 9 and 10. In 1988, the Catholic bishops of the United States initiated the collection to address the deficit in retirement savings among religious communities. Proceeds from the collection help communities across the country to provide for the ongoing needs of aging religious priests, sisters, and brothers.
Many of our senior vowed religious have dedicated their lives to service, usually receiving little pay in return. Consequently, their religious communities face a shortage of retirement savings. Compounding this challenge are rising health-care costs and decreased income. Your generous donations to the Retirement Fund for Religious provide vital financial support, enabling religious communities to care for their aging members. I know you are frequently asked to support many worthy causes. I invite you to contribute whatever you can toward this year’s collection, for which the Diocese of Palm Beach is extremely grateful. In addition to your financial support, please keep all our women and men religious in your prayers. With gratitude for your continued support and every prayerful wish, I am
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Gerald M. Barbarito
Bishop of Palm Beach