Trusting in a treacherous man in time of trouble is like a bad tooth or a foot that slips.
Proverbs 25:19
It is Halloween time! All our favorite goodies are out in mini sizes for us to enjoy. Everyone knows that these candies are loaded with sugar. Many sources report that the average child will consume 3500 to 7000 calories in Halloween candy alone on Halloween night! Yikes.
Dentists warn about the exposure of sugar on our teeth because it stimulates bacteria production that leads to plaque and cavities. Dentists recommend small amounts of chocolate, preferably dark, if you need to indulge. Chocolate washes from our teeth easily. Nutty chocolate is good because the chewing of nuts may help to break up plaque on your teeth.
According to here are the worst candies for teeth.
• Sticky candies like gummy bears, skittles, and dried fruit. The stickier the candy, the worse it is for your teeth. A sugary candy that sticks in the crevices in your teeth is a recipe for tooth decay. Sticky candy is difficult to remove.
• Hard candy like lollipops or fireballs are kept in your mouth longer while you suck on it which increases the amount of time your teeth are exposed to sugar. As a result, your saliva fills with sugar and continually coats your teeth in it, leading to cavities.
• Sour candy like Sour Patch or Lemonheads is harmful for two reasons: it is coated in sugar, and it is very acidic. High acidity can be very damaging to your teeth as well. The acids break down tooth enamel, leaving teeth more prone to tooth decay and breakage.
Don’t forget to brush and floss!
Nurse Barb