Good morning,
We had a meeting this morning to try to get additional volunteers and most of those who came were already volunteers in a ministry or ministries. We thank them for their service in the ministries in which they currently serve. We are also grateful to all who came to the meeting. Some of them even expressed interest in doing more and I thank them for that, too.
In addition, we need parishioners who do not serve in any ministry to volunteer as soon as possible. Everyone is welcome to serve.
ESPECIALLY URGENT NEED: We especially need additional volunteers for the St. Mark Thrift Store. The store is at the point that if we do not get MORE volunteers soon, the store will have to close permanently. Right now they have to close the store when there is no one to work there. Please pray about this and call the Thrift Store if you want more information or to volunteer. Please consider helping to keep the Store open. Their phone number is 772-466-1964 and they are usually open Monday to Saturday from 10 AM – 2 PM (unless they have no one to serve at the store).
We also need additional ushers, greeters, sacristans, lectors and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion for our masses and volunteers for our other ministries. If you are interested in this please let me know by replying to this email or calling the office.
Jesus is our example for all our ministries. He came to serve and not to be served. He was known as the Suffering Servant. We need you to consider serving others in one of our ministries. Serving in ministry is a way for you to use your talents, your experience and your time serving your neighbors. Father Antony and I can meet with you individually if you are uncertain about which ministry to be part of. If you want to meet with us or just talk to us, please call the office for an appointment – 772-461-8150.
Thank you for your consideration of this great need in our parish. May the Lord continue to bless you and protect you and your family.
Father Bob Pope